Keep going. Keep running or you’re dead.
I sprint through the empty halls of this unfinished house
If I didn’t find a way out soon he’d kill me like he did to all the rest
My legs ache but I keep pressing on
I have to escape
I just wanted to get out of this town
That’s all but then he caught me
I don’t know who he is but I’ve seen what he does to people
I can hear their echos
Their screams
Their cries for help
They’re dead now
I know it
I’m not the first and I certainly won’t be the last to die here
He’s always hunting
It’s all just a game to him
He thinks it’s fun
I have scars from when he beat me
I got away
Now I just need to get out of this house
Everything looks watery to me
I must have been drugged
I stagger
I’m getting weaker
I can feel it
Freezing pins and needles in my toes and fingers
My body gives in
I can’t run any longer
Then I see it
My throat goes dry
My body goes into panic mode
I wanna run but I can't move
I’m too weak
He’s here
He sees me
He comes near
I find the strength to try and crawl away
He grabs me by the ankle
I’m too late
I’m dragged up the stairs
My head banging against every stair
It’s over
I’m going to die
I never got to tell Drake I loved him
I never am going to start a family
To think, I wanted to die a week ago
Now I want to live
I’d give anything
I’m in some bedroom now
I think
This house isn’t finished yet so I can’t be sure
I am given a twisted smile
The floor is covered in blood
My blood
He puts his hands on my neck and pushes
More pins and needles
I start to feel weak
More weak than I’ve ever felt
I see stars
Then black
Heat rushes through my veins
I know that I’m dead
To this day I am forgotten
My killer still lives
I’m still here
Unable to pass on
I’m right here
Looking out
Nobody thinking to look in
The walls were I rot
In this house
Your house
I’m telling you to run
You are his next victim
Can’t you hear him?
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe,
you spelled entry wrong, you spelled like this "entery" but its suppose to be spelled like this "entry"