The Writers' Nook
Write a Poem / Short Story and Send It To Me and It Will Apear Here!
By: Alycia Roderick
There once was light and now there’s not
Twas choked by the darkness inside
My skin bathes in the light of a beautiful and fluorescent moon on this cold autumn night
I gaze across the world before me
Time doesn’t exist here
A cool breeze makes the golden wheat dance before my eyes
I shiver
The girl that is me stands squarely in the center of this magnificent realm
You could run forever and never reach the end
Clad in a purple silk dress she walks through this valley
This is her domain
She is the goddesses of this world
Elosan and many more
Yet she isn’t there
She is all places in her universe
Yet she is always alone
Always in fear for her life as she dreams of worse things than death
They never happen but always feel too surreal
Some say this place only exists within her mind
No, this is her very heart and soul
Joy unlike any other,
True happiness
Yet filled with sorrow
She wishes to share this world with someone
But who?
She could just create someone…
No, it wouldn’t be the same
She must find this special someone in her birthplace,
The wretched human world
But how?
With all the sorrow and hate it could be an impossible task
But, she can’t let them win, it would end her
It would end this world
I must have hope
Maybe then she’ll feel safe
Maybe this darkness she’ll evade
Then maybe, just maybe….
She’ll find hope
How it Works
By: Alycia Roderick
My dog is weird,
My cat is a demon,
The world is a bad place,
I guess we’re even
By: Sadie West
They won't come back
And I am scared
Slipping through my fingers
And I can’t catch them fast enough
Running through these Elysian fields
My memories slipping by
Faster than I can think
And I can't recall my name by now
And by now It's far too late
We can't turn back
Ask me anything you want to
I won't respond
I can't respond
I’m to trapped in this descent into madness
I can't escape
So leave now before it's too late for you
For you for you for you
By: Abrianna Branstad
He was never really mine
And in truth he was never really hers either
The only thing he belonged to was his desires
And anyone who would fulfill thee
Mr. Jimmy Johnson
By: Lukas Jenkins
He was Mr Jimmy Johnson and he earned a weekly wage, his life was as eventful as a squirrel in a cage.
He possessed a wife and kiddies living somewhere Brixton way, and he drew his humble pittance, weekly every Saturday, and that's why he added rows of figures nice and neat, he was Mr Jimmy Johnson, life was sweet.
Then somewhere a bugle sounded and he kissed his pen goodbye, his stool he kicked under him, no time to wonder why, he embraced his wife in kiddies and told them not to pine:
He was private Jimmy Johnson, number 12129, he didn't quite appreciate the stuff he got to eat,
but he was private Johnson-life was sweet
Now he Mr Jimmy Johnson and hes got a empty sleeve.
He is smiling very bravely and its so hard to believe
He is forgotten by the stay at homes who not so long ago,
said they they didn't want to lose but thought he ought to go
You can see them all around you, some sell matches on the streets
There are many Jimmy Johnsons
Is life sweet?
By: Lukas Jenkins
Its been ten long years since we first met:
A tiny pup, a precious pet
My little Jack-
One night I lost him on his way
I watched and waited day by day
For little Jack...
One night I heard a piteous cry
My little Jack returned to me to die...
Poor little Jack...
By: Lukas Jenkins
Dainty skirts and delicate blouses
Aint much use for pigs and cowses
If "The Outsiders" Wasn't So Freaking Violent
By: Alycia Roderick
(Based on the book "The Outsiders" By: S. E Hinton)
We were just walking around minding our own business on the cold empty streets. We were on our way to drop off the girls at home. Nobody felt like driving. Suddenly out of nowhere came five Socs looking for a victim. "Cherry, wacha doing hanging out with these freaks?" They asked She didn't speak but the answer was clear. They were all armed and ready. We weren't going down without a fight. "What the..." A person about five foot appeared out of the blue. She had blonde hair, hazel eyes, and was dressed in a Prince tee shirt. She crossed her arms and looked annoyed like we'd invaded her life. "A kid?" Johnny asked "Excuse you but we're only two years apart so I'd keep my trap shut if I were you." She responded with an eye roll Who was this girl? Why was she here? It's dangerous out here at night didn't she know that? "Go home kid." One Socs said looking almost as annoyed as she did She just laughed. "You all are so pathetic. If I were you I'd be so embarrassed right now. Don't you think there's a better way? Why don't you all stop acting like children and at least TRY to get along." We all stared at her blankly. What did she mean? Befriend the Socs? We really aren't so different. I remember that conversation with Cherry and thinking that. "That's it I don't care if she's a kid." One of the Socs ran at her with their blade out ready to kill. Before anyone could process what was happening she spun around, sent him flying over her shoulder, and had him on the ground with a loud crack. She looked at him on the ground and picked up his knife. "Thanks." She said with a mocking smile "Now, Cherry. Where is it that you Socs hang out?" She asked "How do you know my name?" Cherry said half amazed half terrified "Look, I can't leave until we get this over with and I've got places to be. Okay? I don't have time to chat." She said impatiently "Oh, right. We go to the diner every Friday night so they should be there." She said "Great. Come on I don't have all day. I've got stuff to do. You." She said pointing at me "Wha-" I tried to speak but my mouth went dry "Pony boy is it? Take us to the diner. I'm sure these three wouldn't mind us borrowing their car." She said looking at them "S - Sure. Do what you want!" They said trying to hide their fear I couldn't blame them. This girl didn't like to mess around. Honestly I was tempted to ask her to join but Johnny beat me to it. "Hey, you're one tough cookie. We've got a place open in our squad here in case you're interested." He said with a smile "Thanks but my time here is limited. Trust me I would if I could." She said A thousand questions started running through my mind. They would have to wait though. I thought as we parked the car a block away from the diner. There was never any space on a Friday night like this. We hopped out and two guys stood beside our car. "Hey Cherry who's the girl?" The brown haired one said She looked panicked. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Hi, I'm Alycia. Her seventh cousin on her mom's side. I'm visiting from out of town." She said It was the most truthful sounding lie I'd ever heard in my life. "Out of town? From where?" He asked asked She laughed "A long ways. I don't even live in America. I came all the way from Japan." She said with a smile "...and you're like what six?" The other guy said laughing. I could tell she wasn't the person to make fun of. "Baka!" she said and kicked her between the legs She didn't speak again until we got to the diner. "Awe hey cutie." One girl said with a smile "I'm offended." she said walking away All of the Socs where at one large table at the back. She went up to the counter and ordered pizza and burgers for all of us and the Socs. We helped her carry the food and we sat down across from the Socs. "What is this?" said one very annoyed guy "A peace offering. We won't fight you if you don't fight us. Let's settle this once and for all and just live in peace. Come on guys. Isn't there enough violence as it is?" She said With each word we all felt stronger. "Hey I'm sorry about, you know." One guy said "Yeah me too." So just like that we were talking like best friends. "Pony boy she's gone." She said with amazement I looked where she once stood a few minutes ago. Wait what's that? I reached down and picked up the knife and her bracelet. "Looks like we have something to remember her by." I said to Cherry She smiled. I knew no matter what we would never forget her. END