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Join date: Oct 9, 2020


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Hey! I'm Alycia the founder of The Literature Club. I love reading, writing, lots of coffee and my boyfriend Lukas who is also a current member of the club. I'm currently writing a book and hope to someday become a writer. I live with my family and have two pets. Sadie, my dog. A playful Jack Russel and Chihuahua mix who acts like my little sister and Gandoff. Our tsundure cat. He's like an older brother who ignores me one minute and is on my lap the next. I like sweet tea, raman, purple/pink, anime, and cats. Just because I'm "cute" *Sigh* though doesn't mean you don't take me seriously. I've had this problem a lot and it's super annoying. I'M NOT CUTE! Anyways, to those of you who have just joined I'd like to welcome you to the club. I've worked on this website for three months and it means a lot that you did. If you're just here to hang out then I ask you to leave. This is not the purpose of the club. I don't mind it as long as you read along with us though. Be sure to follow me on Goodreads! My user name is NatsukiBest_Girl. If you have any questions you can email me at Have a wonderful day!

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Alycia Roderick

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