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Reading with Coffee

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You know what sucks? Darkness. Not the kind that is physical, but the kind that comes from loneliness, from the bottom of your heart. Almost no one can see it there except yourself. No one knows, or... they just don't care or dont believe its real. It freaking sucks, you know? Or maybe you dont, idk but if you know what it feels like then im sorry. Because its not just not being able to see past the difficulties, its being awake at 3 a.m. staring at the ceiling wondering why no one seems to actually care. Its always overthinking everything that everyone tells you. Its second guessing yourself. Its the need to always apologize because you dont think anyone cares.

But you know what makes it worse? Those people who tell you its fake, or that you dont know what it feels like. Its them that makes it even worse for you. Because they make you feel invalid. You feel all of your feelings fade into nothing. Until you cant feel anymore. Until your being forced to fake a smile to those who you actually care about. Its pretending to be happy until all you want to do is disappear from the world.

Heres some advice for those of you who have never felt this, dont doubt someone when they say they have.

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