By: Alycia Roderick
There once was light and now there’s not
Twas choked by the darkness inside
My skin bathes in the light of a beautiful and fluorescent moon on this cold autumn night
I gaze across the world before me
Time doesn’t exist here
A cool breeze makes the golden wheat dance before my eyes
I shiver
The girl that is me stands squarely in the center of this magnificent realm
You could run forever and never reach the end
Clad in a purple silk dress she walks through this valley
This is her domain
She is the goddesses of this world
Elosan and many more
Yet she isn’t there
She is all places in her universe
Yet she is always alone
Always in fear for her life as she dreams of worse things than death
They never happen but always feel too surreal
Some say this place only exists within her mind
No, this is her very heart and soul
Joy unlike any other,
True happiness
Yet filled with sorrow
She wishes to share this world with someone
But who?
She could just create someone…
No, it wouldn’t be the same
She must find this special someone in her birthplace,
The wretched human world
But how?
With all the sorrow and hate it could be an impossible task
But, she can’t let them win, it would end her
It would end this world
I must have hope
Maybe then she’ll feel safe
Maybe this darkness she’ll evade
Then maybe, just maybe….
She’ll find hope